Christian Education
Bible Study Classes
Union Gospel Press
Upon joining Little Bethany Missionary Baptist Church you are given a Sunday School book published by Union Gospel Press. You can also purchase them directly from Union Gospel Press, Apple Books, or Amazon
Sunday School
Sunday School - 9:30 am
There are three units in this quarter.
Unit I: Love of the Father
Comfort for God's People
God Sends His Servant to Suffer for Us
God's Plan is Affirmed
God's Messiah is Born
Salvation Prepared for All People
Unit II: Acts of Love by Jesus
Calling Sinners for Repentance
Jesus Seeks Out Zacchaeus
Healing Ten Lepers
Jesus Restores Peter to Service
Healing a Man Born Blind
Unit III: Acts of Love by Jesus' Followers
Fellowship and Sharing Among Believers
Lydia's Hospitality
Prescilla, Acquila, and Apollos
Get Educated, Get Active!!!!!
See you in Sunday School!
Sunday School Preview - Monday Nights
Monday Nights 6:30 pm
The summer quarter’s focus is on God's use of women and young people to display His greatness and glory. Come out and get a good introduction to the upcoming Sunday School lesson. This introduction enables you to focus on a deeper study during the week.
Bible Study - Wednesday Nights
Basic Bible Study - 6:30 - 7:30pm
Basic Bible Study is a place to learn how to read and study God's word. you will be taught the fundamentals like; the books of the Bible & concordance usage. You will also be taught how the Bible can be applied to everyday life. We do it in a very fun and interactive ways. So come visit us, no one is ever a stranger.
Instructors: Sis. Geneva Lee, Sis. Jackie Phillips, Sis. Janice Stutts, Deacon John Frank
Baptist Training Union - 2nd Sunday's - 3:00 pm
Scripture Exercise & Tips for Teaching - Deacon Frank, Instructor
Come out and learn how to properly use your Sword of the Spirit to fight the powers of darkness in this world.
BTU Special Assignment for January 12, 2025 - Philemon 1:11 - Sis. Geneva Lee, Instructor
Which in time past was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me:
BTU Special Assignment Guidelines
For each verse you will need a:
Subject Heading - One subject/title that is 5 words or less
Major Point(s) – whatever main idea(s) you want to bring out
Commentary on your major point
Suggestions for commentary: Take one or two words from the verse and:
a. Bring it up to today (how it applies to life now)
b. Talk about what the verse says to you
c. Apply it to your life
d. You can use one or combine any/all of the above
e. Or you can do something entirely different
Example: (use your subject heading and major point in it)
Verse: Amos 5:14 – Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as you have spoken.
Subject Heading: Seek good (it is less than 5 words)
Major Point: God is going to be with you
Commentary (style 4c): I can apply this to my life by knowing that even when evil is around me as long as I seek good and do good,
God is going to be with me.
5. Let the Holy Spirit guide you
6. Do not look at the verses before or after the assigned verse to study
7. Do not use the verse as your commentary; use your own words
8. Be sure to include your subject and major points in your commentary
9. Do not be concerned with what others answers will be
10. There is no wrong answer!
11. Please do not do any research about the scripture (that isn’t the point of this assignment)
12. The instructor of the special assignment will give us background for our scriptures when they present their verse.
If you have any questions, ask the instructor.